Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It's A Fine Life....

Hi Folks....yes, I am terrible about keeping up with my blogs. However, I am a very tired workhouse beadle. It has really been a journey traveling with this tour, and performing. We have just recently celebrated our 25th show, in Owensboro, KY, a nice town near the Indiana / Kentucky borderline. That venue was very nice, and the audience and the theatre seemed very appreciative of our being there. In addition to playing there, we have practically travelled over 6 or 7 states, playing in various towns.

One of the most amazing towns that we have been in by far since my last blog was San Luis Obispo / Pismo Beach. Wow was this place gorgeous! I had never been to the Pacific Coast, or been in the Pacific Ocean, and Pismo Beach was a wonderful, beautiful beach town in California! My good friends Zac, Melissa, Ashley, my roomate Chris, and I decided to go to the beach, and I can say that I was not sorry for going there! I had a blast, and it was BEAUTIFUL day, and the scenery was fantastic.

All was paradise, until some "frisky" seagulls decided to attack our food, and our area, while we were basking in the sun and frolicking in the sea....it was like a scene out of Hitchcock's "The Birds". Melissa and I were in awe and helpless as these birds swooped down and starting tearing our food, and packages to shreds. It was pretty funny, yet horrifying at the same time. And they were undeterred in their mission to eat our food. It was so funny seeing how they gradually eased up and ate our food quickly! They had one look out bird that seemed to be innocently just hanging around...then with a single sqawk, they all came rushing down and attacking our food. After some shoo-ing away with my beach towel, they finally went away. We had been eating some fish and chips, and I just found it hysterical to see these birds in the aftermath with ketchup and tartar sauce on their beaks!

My other favorite town by far that we have played was Colorado Springs, Colorado. Wow, was this a beautiful town! It was so quaint, and peaceful, and the majestic and vast mountains in the distance was breath-taking. We had gone to "The Garden of the Gods" which is this fantastic National Park with beautiful mountains and rock formations, and I was very happy to be there. The venue in which we played was very nice as well, and I enjoyed most of our shows there!

Some other highlights include Bozeman, Montana, which was a great town, as well! When we arrived there it was kind of a shock to my system as it was very cold, actually, significantly colder than what we had been used to at that point....it was actually snowing there, and we were caught in one of their worst snowstorms of the season at the time. Apparantly, in Montana, it pretty much snows there all year, with the exception of the month of August. I was totally not expecting to be caught in a snow storm. Fortunately, my friends Rhiannon, Melissa, and I found this amazing thrift shop, in which, I was able to buy an awesome leather jacket for, get this, $28.00, and two nice sweaters for $17.00!!!! I couldn't believe it. I was just so blessed to be able to get a deal like that!

We had been to Alburqueque, New Mexico, which was another great town, and great for shopping, I might add....I went and splurged on a new Ipod Touch, which is something that I have wanted for a while....I was very happy. We actually were reviewed there as well, and I got a good mention for "admirably playing multiple parts" in this show, in addition to my primary principal role of Mr. Bumble. I am glad that someone noticed that, as we all work very hard, and it is difficult playing a bunch of roles, especially if you are a principal as well. But I find it to be very rewarding and fun to do, when I am not panting, and sweating to death, or suffering from schizophrenia in a corner somewhere inbetween scenes. After Alburquerque, we were in the mountains of Alto, New Mexico playing at a very interesting venue secluded in the mountains. It was very difficult for me to sing there, due to the altitude, but the audiences there were very appreciative, and enjoyed my performance as well, and that is all that I could ask for.
After that, we hit up the states of Montana, and Wyoming....which I previously mentioned, and then after that, we traveled to Casper Wyoming, which was the hometown of the ill-fated Matthew Sheppard, who was the young man who was lured from a bar in Laramie, Wyoming in the hopes of having an encounter with two gentlemen who he thought were gay, and ended being beat to death, and left for dead hung up on a fence "like a scarecrow" to die. All because he was homosexual. Ironically, the time were were performing in Casper was the anniversary of his death. Unfortunately we were not there long enough for us to see if there was anything going on in rememberance of his tragedy.

Besides that, we were also caught in the middle of another huge snow storm, and while most people in the cast went roller skating, at an 80's style themed cast outing, I decided to cool my heels and rest in my hotel room and rest my deteriorating body and voice! (but not to worry, after some rest, and a late night trip to Wal-Mart in the middle of a snowstorm at 1:00 am with Rhiannon, I felt right as rain the next day!) Yes, Rhiannon and I went to Wal-Mart in the middle of the night. Melissa was not feeling well, and we needed to get her some medicine and a thermometer, and I was not allowing one of my female friends to go out by herself in the middle of the night, so I went with her. I ended up getting some things I need, such as snow boots, and some other utilities. We ended up getting stranded in the snow, but fortunately got someone from the hotel to come and rescue us from Wal-Mart. Ha!

Speaking of being stranded in the snow.....the horror continues....on our trip from Casper, Wyoming to Great Falls, Montana, our bus broke down, in the snow, and we all had to be rescued by another bus to take us to our destination. We were all tired, cranky, and cold, but I thought I would never be so thankful to be on another bus. The bus and driver that came to get us was our savior! That trip was a loooong ride. 'Nuff said.

This past weekend, we were in Binghamton, New York, and it was great to be back in New York, although it was upstate and not in the city area. Those audiences were great, and I think our matinee show was the best. I had a good time there, and enjoyed the local bar there. I felt for the first time, that I had really bonded with some of my cast members for the first time, and it was a wonderful feeling. I hope I get an opportunity to do something like that again, when I feel rested, and not as tired and tense. I love my cast-members, its just that it is rough for me to stay focused, rested, and in good shape, if I hang out too much, due to my medical condition, and it is paramount that I get my rest. While I was there, I participated in a phone interview for a Columbia, South Carolina newspaper who wanted to talk to me about my participating in this national tour, which I found to be very exciting. The gentleman that I talked to was so nice, and apparantly did his homework on me, which included finding, and reading this blog! It was pretty funny! He was great, and I think we had a mutually good time talking on the phone. I can't wait to read the article!

Well, now I am currently in my home state of South Carolina, and I am absolutely thrilled to be here! We are in Colombia, South Carolina, and I am just so happy that my family might have the opportunity to see me perform here. My extended family have never seen me perform in a theatrical production, as I have primarily performed in Off-Off Broadway shows in New York City, and in Regional Theatres in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania...however, being that I will be in the South, they are excited to see me do what I do, and I am just curious to see what they think of it. It is my first night here, but I did go scope the town out with Rhiannon, but for an alterior motive....Rhiannon got engaged in Binghamton! (Congrats, girl!) So, we decided to throw her a party in celebration, and I had to distract her and get her away from the hotel. It was so funny! She thought that all of our close friends on tour were giving her the cold shoulder today besides me, and in fact, Zac, Melissa and Jen from our cast were decorating Zac's room, and planning and shopping for the impending party! It was so nice to see her so happy! I am really glad that she got to see how many people care about her, and wish her well!

Anyway, I must go to bed, as I am going to be on TV tomorrow morning promoting the show! I hope it goes well, and I will let you all know the details as soon as I can! Be well! And see all of you New York City folk in a week! In the words of Nancy: "Ta-Ta you lot!"


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

How Do You Solve A Problem like Blogging?

Hi Folks. I know. It's been a while. My opening night has come and gone. We've played over 5 cities already since I last posted. However, I am always very tired and busy. But now that I have the time, on my last night off here in Medford, Oregon. I thought I might catch you all up, and give you summary of what has been going on so far.

Well, we had our tech week, and previews in San Bernardino, CA. Boy, was this town a piece of crap. So many things had happened here, and there were times where I feared my life. Unfortunately, early in our stay in San Bernardino, we were reminded that nowhere in America is safe. My roomate Chris, was robbed unfortunately at gunpoint, when he wanted to make a run to the convenience store one of the nights during our Tech Week. They took his wallet, and all his money, and all of his I.D.! It was a nightmare for him trying to retrieve all of those things. And it all happened so quickly. I felt horrible for him, and scared. So much so, that I felt compelled to write about it. He's okay now, and has gotten all of his important things back now, but I can't imagine what that must have been like.

On a positive note, our tech week was not painful, and our previews went extremely well! They LOVED us. Stacie (Widow Corney) and I got huge laughs for all of our jokes, and I had gotten exit applause for my Act II scene in which I talk about the "law being an ass" with its stance on marriage, consitantly. I haven't gotten it EVERY night, but I have gotten it frequently. It is such an amazing feeling.
The San Bernardino audiences weren't that large, but when we got to Fresno, CA, the house there was amazing, as well as the audiences we were playing to! We had played to about 1,500 people one night, and about almost 2,000 our opening night in Fresno. We were at the beautiful William Saroyan Theatre.

The wing space and actual venue was spacious and fantastic! My dressing room was amazingly beautiful and roomy! I was in heaven. I still marvel at the fact that I get my own dressing room, when possible. It REALLY makes all the difference in preparation and with getting in the right mindset for the show. I feel ready and invigorated when I go on, once I have my quiet "Chaz/Bumble" time. We had our opening night and opening night party in Fresno, and it was a lot of fun. I enjoyed myself that evening, because I felt that we had accomplished a lot, and had done well.

After our fantastic Fresno CA, experience, out next stop was Stockton, CA. It was a very tight, and weird venue, but we made it through. Although, I almost had a mini-breakdown, because the wardrobe assistants who were volunteers there, took part of my Bumble costume in Act II, and put it somewhere that I couldn't find it, and I cried, and had to go on with half my costume on. THANK GOD I had the hat.....I know, I know, its not that serious....but for those of you used to seeing my tantrums, you would have been amused. After Stockton, our next stop was Reno, Nevada!

On the way to Reno, we had come across the most beautiful parts of the country....the mountains of Nevada and California, are quite fantastic, and breathtaking! Wow. I had seen some of the most beautiful areas this country has to offer. When you live in New York City most of your life, the slightest hint of the beauty of mother nature is moving, meaningful, and beautiful.

Reno is a very interesting town. It is like a mini-Vegas. There are casinos everywhere, it's bright, and very fun. Even our hotel had a casino in the lobby. It was pretty funny. Our venue that we played at was great as well. I enjoyed it immensely. We pretty much played the whole weekend there, and it was fantastic. The audiences were very appreciative, and receptive, and I continued to get my laughs and applause. So, I was happy! Anyway, I had a blast! Between our Saturday shows, my friends Rhiannon (Nancy), Melissa (Bet), and I went to this amazing Japanese Grill restaurant located in Harrah*s Hotel and Casino, where they performed and cooked our meals right in front of us. It was great, and the food was delicious. Whenever I go to Reno again, I will definitely go there again! Good times....

Now, I am currently blogging from Medford, Oregon, which is the stop that I am in right now. Reno was fun, but I was glad to be in a quiet and more serene town. And boy, is this town very nice. Everyone is friendly here, and genuinely nice. It reminds me of home, down South. Honestly, though even the theatre where we played was very hospitable...they made sure that we had snacks, and hot tea, and sodas, and fruit readily available and spread out for us upon our arrival. It was very nice. You REALLY appreciate the smaller things like that when you are travelling and tired. The Medford audience was one of our best so far too...they were really with us, and I had a great time.

It was funny....yesterday I went grocery shopping with my adopted family, who you will see very soon, which includes (Mikey and Susan Morley, John and Quentin Araujo, and Missy and Colin Nims - basically, Oliver, Dodger, and Charley Bates, and their respective parents!) and I was approached by a young lady who was working there who had seen the show the previous night, and she recognized me immediately, and was very complimentary about my performance and the show. I felt like a star....LOL. I was very flattered. I then quickly introduced her to the rest of the gang....and she was very glad to meet everyone! By the way, I really enjoy the company of my "adopted family" because they are all very sweet and supportive, and most of all, they are genuine and good people. And always positive. I am very lucky to have them along with me!
Well, I am off to San Luis Obispo, CA tomorrow. It is going to be a long ride. And then after that, I think we are off to Colorado. So I must get my rest. But, before I go....here are some pictures of me in my costumes, and some pictures of me with my favorite talented little guys! I love them! I will try to be good about blogging! And I miss you all! Love you!

Yours, Yours, Yours,


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hooray for Hollywood! (Well, not quite...)

Well, I've finally arrived in sunny California. It was actually quite a pleasant trip, despite having to get up at 3:00 a.m yesterday morning, and getting pissed off at my cab service because they were retards and arrived 45 minutes later than they were supposed to. Kids, this is why you must always plan ahead a couple of hours!

Anyway, once I got to the airport everything was okay, until I found out that I was selected for a random "terrorism prevention" search. So I go through security, and they must have searched me and padded me over for what seemed like 15 minutes. The retard doing it obviously was getting a kick out of doing this. Then they went through my bags took everything out, and threw it around, threw away some of my toilietries, and then told me I was free to go. GREAT way to start my trip. Oh, yeah, they forgot to give me back my boarding pass....I had to ask for that back too, after the fact.

The actual plane ride was AMAZING! We flew on Virgin America, and the seating was so roomy and comfortable, and it was a smooth plane ride. I really enjoyed it. It made up for everything else. We were picked up at the airport by our tour bus, which is pretty cool. Our drivers are a husband and wife team - Kim and John, and they are so sweet! And they are from the South too, so that's a plus! After we had arrived after a 6 hour trip, and an hour and a half drive, we had to go to a tech rehearsal immediately after. I wasn't too bad of a rehearsal, however, it was VERY taxing after all was said and done. We primarily worked on scene changes, and important transitions during the show. Most characters didn't have to sing or anything, but I guess Nancy and Bumble weren't so lucky. I had to sing "Boy For Sale" while they did a transitional scene change, and Nancy had to sing "As Long As He Needs Me" a few times for the same reason. But we got through it, and we both sounded great to boot!

The theatre we are going to be playing in is great and has this nostalgic and historic feel and atmosphere....reminds me of the Weissman theatre from "Follies". But I got to go explore, and it was great! I will ALWAYS have my own dressing room, being that I am a principal / lead, and that is just amazing, because one thing I cannot stand is excess chatter and noise, and people aggravating me before a show. I need quiet, and unfortunately, with the past few shows I have done, I didn't get that, but now, I will! Thank you, GOD!

The set is very nice and functional and authentic looking. There is a huge bridge that serves as the London Bridge and other areas of London, and it is really VERY, VERY, high. I make my first entrance crossing over it, and it is pretty scary for me....but whatever! The things we do as actors! I know, I know....shut up...at least I am working, right! And I agree with you!!!

Lastly, I met with my costume designer, Maggie Barnett...and we tried on all of my costumes. Guys, I have a total of 6 costumes, and accessories. I think I am going to have a nervous breakdown. However, they all look fantastic, and I will be sure to post them as soon as I take pictures of them. I look great in them. LOVE my Bumble costume, and my "Who Will Buy" costume. I look smashing. And since I am also doubling up as ensemble in "Consider Yourself" and "Oom Pah Pah" I have a wonderful cockney costume too....brings back memories of my "My Fair Lady" days!

Anyway, I think I should end this post now, as not to bore you TOO much with details, but I will send an update soon! And update this particular post with pictures as well. Till then, to quote the character of Nancy, "Ta-ta you lot! "

P.S. Oh, by the way, I just have to quickly mention an amazing experience I had before I left last week. My Widow Corney (Stacie Johnsen) and I went to go see Gypsy last Thursday night. I needed to get a fix of Patti before I left....and we got student rush tickets for the front row with my old Penn State Student I.D. Thank god, I can apparently still pass for a college student. Anyway, our Assistant Choreographer, Steve, plays "L.A." one of the featured, and hilarious "farmboys" in the show. When we mentioned to him that we were seeing the show, he was so curious about our exact seating. Well, when we watched the show, it was quite clear why! Ms. Lupone, and Ms. Benanti had a wonderful time singing to Mr. and Mrs. Bumble in the audience that night. Ms. LuPone sang part of "Some People" to Stacie and I and she sang my favorite parts of the song to us at the end as well...."Good-BYEEEEEEEE to blueberry PIEEEEEEE" and "Well, they can stay and ROT....but not ROOOOOOOOOOOOSE!" Um, needless to say, I was in HEAVEN, and almost cried and broke into giddy girl like hysterics. Furthermore, Laura Benanti sang "Little Lamb" right in front of us, and we got to see her masterful portrayal right up front. And lastly, but not least....the cherry on the sundae....Laura Benanti looked right at me, and winked at me, during the Strip.......I almost melted into a puddle! It was amazing. Definitely an experience I will always treasure. Steve, if you had anything to do with this, thank you! You are amazing!

Anyway, now I am going to go for real now! Later!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

One Week Down!

Well, I finally got through Week One of my rehearsals for Oliver! It has been quite the whirlwind, and I am so satisfied at how much the cast and production team has already accomplished.

Firstly, I love the cast! Everyone is incredibly talented and dedicated. It is such a refreshing change to be in the company of performers who are adept at everything - whether it be singing, dancing, acting....everyone is truly an asset to this production. The first day (last Monday) was so exciting. Most of us had been keeping in touch and connecting with each other via Facebook, so once we all were assembled in the room, it was like we knew each other anyway, so all of the hugging and recognition began immediately. What was really a comforting moment for me, was meeting the production staff, and seeing how nice and welcoming they were. Vince Pesce, our (amazing and accomplished) choreographer, was especially amazing to me, as he came up to me, knew my name, and gave me the biggest and warmest hug, and welcome. Not to quote my character Mr. Bumble, but...."It was NICE to be appreciated...."

Music rehearsals immediately began, and we surprisingly, got through most of the big prodcution numbers such as "Oliver!", "Food, Glorious, Food", the old workhorse "Consider Yourself" and "Oom Pah Pah" and "Who Will Buy" in a matter of about an hour and a half, and reviewed until lunch. Then after lunch we staged one of my characters' big numbers, "Oliver!" which was exciting. The staging for that number is very funny and well done, and I wish I could see how it looks from an audience's perspective.

Tuesday and Wednesday were pretty much individual rehearsals for specific characters in the morning, (i.e. Bumble, Corney, Oliver, and The Sowerberrys) and then dance rehearsals in the afternoon. We plowed through the choreography and staging for "Consider Yourself" and "Oom Pah Pah" which both look great, and "Who Will Buy" which has beautiful staging.

I also worked on pretty much all of my solo vocals earlier in the morning too, which was very fun for me. Being that Oliver, and Mr. Bumble have been huge staples in my childhood memories, being able to rehearse "Boy For Sale" for a national tour of this production, is like a dream come true. Needless to say, I got a little emotional after rehearsing it.

Thursday through Saturday entailed staging and framing more scenes, and eventually putting Act I together. By the end of the day Saturday we had 3/4 of the show staged, if not more, and we will be ready to start doing some run-throughs early next week.

Again, this is all incredibly exciting for me. I have also just found out about all of my travel arrangements, and hotel accomodations, and I am freaking out as the reality of me leaving for months has hit, and the realization that there is still so much more for me to do in my personal life before I leave! AAAAAHHH! Anyway, it will all come together. I also want to thank my friends from the RTC, Susan Jasper and John Gillece for the wonderful going away present of Jersey Boys. It was phenomenal. I can't believe I hadn't seen it yet....it was wonderful, not to mention excellent seats! 5th row center! Thanks guys....it meant a lot, and I will miss you!

Well, till next time......

Sunday, August 17, 2008

My First Post!

Well, this is my first post. I am so excited because I will be doing the National Tour of "Oliver!", and playing one of my favorite roles ever. I have played Mr. Bumble at least 2 times before, and this will be my third, but I can never get enough of this role. I feel as if every time that I have played it, I have learned new things about this character, and have discovered great little nuances that have kept each experience fresh. Hopefully, this experience will not be any different!

Rehearsals will start for me in exactly a week, and I couldn't be any more nervous. Since announcing that I would be doing this, all of my friends have, almost on a daily basis, been asking me if I was excited yet. Honestly, this has become a little annoying as I really don't know what to expect, and would like to withhold my excitement until I actually get through rehearsals. In fact, I am a little nervous about the prospect of leaving behind my family and friends for approximately seven months and going on the road. It is not as if I haven't been away from home before, (college, duh!) but this is not going to be as stable as living in a dorm with a roommate, or in an apartment of my own. We'll be going from town to town, city to city, state to state, and practically, we'll all be strangers, learning to adjust to different personalities!

I have already started to reach out to a couple of my castmates via Facebook, or rather, they have found me for the most part....another example of my being apprehensive....anyway, I
have been chatting up my Widow Corney (Stacie Johnsen) via Facebook and AIM, and I think that we are going to get along famously! It's funny, because I remember meeting her VERY briefly at a callback for the Chicago National Tour back in December of last year. I was up for Mary Sunshine and she was up for Mama Morton, and when we were at the callbacks for this, we connected again, and started chatting. I was hoping she got the role, and I am so happy that she did, because I think we'll really look good together, and have a lot of fun, and not to mention rock it!

Speaking of, the final callbacks for this tour was one of the funniest audition experiences I have ever had. Not only was it 120 degrees that day inside of Chelsea Studios, I had been there ALL day, doing everything, and to top it off, the ceiling collapsed and fell on some of my fellow auditioning peers. THAT was scary! I don't think there was one person in that waiting room who didn't scream at the top of their lungs when that happened. Well, I know *I* did! Lord! Luckily a couple of people got scratched up, but nothing serious. I mean, big boulder-like pieces fell down. Can you imagine if that hit someone on the top of their head?

At the end of that day, I felt like I did a competent job, but did not think I would have gotten this part. Imagine my surprise the next day when I got the call...I was in shock for 3 days. I thought it was a joke! Oh well -- let me shut up now. I am anxiously awaiting my first real rehearsal, and I should try to memorize lines. Maybe I'll do that now. 'Till next time! Later!

